ROSEMARY C. WILKINSON- Wrote first short-story at age 9; first poem at 14. Served Hospital Administration WWII; writing second poema when Presidente John F. Kennedy was assassinated 1963 and from then on could not stop it from coming. Author of 22 books of poetry, some of poetry, some of which is tanslated into 38 languages.Her prose works include AN HISTORICAL EPIC re WWII inside the U.S.A.,serially translated into Mandarin, published in NEW LITERATURE, Taipel. Other prose work is biography EPIC OF THE SHIP'S CAPTAIN/ARTIST who was 19th Century Painter and ship's captain whom she wants to bring forward to take rightful place among 19th Century Painters for little is known of him, finding 42 of his paintings, 7 of which are on permanent exhibit in Louisiana Sate Museum, New Orleans, where re shipped out of during exploding banana trade with Belize, earning his 1st/2nd
ates from Her Majesty the the Queen of England, then Master'sof OCEANS/SEAS/GULFS from U.S.A. being citizen thereof. Wilkinson, member of World Congress of Poets/World Academy of Arts and Culture since 1973, II WCP-Taipei, served as Secretary General then President from 1994-2003 rearing 4 children, serving 10 years Hospital Adriministration. Her leadership for poetry is to bring poets in the world to their proper place in society for the poet is the soul the nation. He/she cherishes when revealing such sacred soil to other nations. Future genetations will come to know their own beloved nation through a poet's eyes and heart and soul. Rosemary was born is New Orleans, Lousiana, reared inm New York and San Francisco, northeast of San Francisco, writing her 40 year literary career autobiography titled POET: UPLIFT MANKIND. *
The inércio is so lazy he can not understand the reason for their existence.DR.Jocarlos Gaspar-Prize Of The Peace-Greece 2005-The Thinker

DE JOCARLOS GASPA>> GRANDE BALUARTE DA HUMANIDADE O Poeta dorme. Dorme enquanto à sua raiz parte para um sono profundo. O Poeta dorme. Dorme enquanto no céu brilha à sua estrela. O Poeta dorme. Dorme enquanto o homem se distancia cada vez mais do seu Criador. O Poeta Dorme. Dorme enquanto os velhos e deficientes são humilhando e desprezados num mundo consumista. O Poeta Dorme. Dorme de tristeza pela falta de amor e respeito para com sua imagem e semelhança. O Porte Dorme. Dorme enquanto as drogas, a pedofilia e o descaso tem sido um palco de comédia à desgraça alheia. O Poeta Dorme. Dorme enquanto a prostituição infantil tem se alastrado de Norte a Sul de Leste a Oeste num perfeito sistema dominó. O Poeta Dorme. Dorme enquanto a mentira, o falso testemunho e a corrupção têm sido parâmetro para delimitar a justiça. O Poeta Dorme. Dorme enquanto a falência humana tem sido imperativa na saúde, na segurança e na educação. O Poeta Dorme. Dorme enquanto o Niilismo se aflora em todos os segmentos humano. O Poeta Dorme. Dorme como uma Águia, esperando ansiosamente a Vinda do Noivo. JESUS CRISTO...O GRANDE BALUARTE...O VERDADEIRO POETA. O Poeta Dorme. Dorme enquanto aguarda a sua última viagem. BALANITA
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