1.GILBERTO PEREIRA D'ALMA-Escritor.Elogiou widely attended by JG in newspapers: "Culture and Caxias Guanduense Reporter." Carta-18/07/85.
2.SILAS GOMES SANTANA-Escritor.Elogiou the poem "The Dream"-JG, published in "Our People" 1987.Carta.Vila-Velha, ES, 07/01/88.
3.MARLIZE RODRIGUES-Poet. JG praised as being a person of great creative ability, and that it deserves admiration. In addition to dedicate the following poem JG:
I wish you were
a rose in my life ...
with great affection
I would remove the thorns
not to offend the sensibilities
of our feelings.
Caarta. Mesquita, Rio de Janeiro, 05/03/85.
4.MARIO RIBEIRO MARTINS-Promoter of Justice, Professor Universitáario, Author and President of the Academy of Philosophy, Science and JG Letras.Elogiou for his brilliant literary creation and activity of high cultural value ... where he says that his collection of poems is poética.Documento.Anopolis fine sensibility, Goiais, 03/11/84.
5.PEMHA OF CONSOLATION GOMES-Reader. He said that JG is a great poet and his poems are maravilhosos.Carta.Burarana Calhoun Itapemirim, ES, 13/04/86.
6.amasilde rehwagem-poet. He congratulated him on his curriculum vitae and the rhymes that much delighted the poem "Women and Love," by JG. Carta.BH, 18/01/85.
7.SANDRA MARIA ROMERO-Director of the Library of the Federation of frontier culture-Uruguaiana RGS.Parabenizou the following work-JG: a) the launch of Issue "Peace Treaty" -Janeiro/1987.
b) The poem "Little Rosa", published in the Journal Guanduense-Abril/85, pág.03.
c) Be a Child. Published in the Spot, in Column Meet the Poetry of Lucy Ribeiro.
d) In the works: Christmas, Christmas, I'm not and Peace, written by JG.
Documents> Uruguaiana, RGS, 17/09/86- 08/08/87- 02/02/87-05/11/85-e, 24/12/84.
In Jesus Christ, health
In a happy moment, Clarisse Lispector said: "Writing is not easy, it's hard as breaking rocks, but sparks fly and splinter like steel mirror." And the letters are mirrored by the sounds of the waltz of words, the beauty of the ideas contained in books, they see what is more sublime spirit of man, sensitivity, smile that shows the pain and hurt that kills the pain being .
Participants in the P.D.E. declared boosterism, which are before completing the social, political and cultural, on firm ground before the success of our work in pursuing the practice of citizenship, which we as a precept of honor.
Writers, a reality-saturated objectivism, and individualism technicality you live aesthetically ... poetically: the dream of love - live with the soul dressed up. Often these works across centuries, consequent become immortal, therefore, we extol the readers so they have demonstrated through the generous and books donated.
You writers, penetrate deeply into the essence of things and try to extract them, the beauty and the breath of life. Be the charms of nature or the passions of the human heart, the poet draws from these sources, the masterpiece prodigisa to compose his verses, releasing emotions.
In the holy book reads:
"The mustard seed is the smallest seed, germinated and grown but is the largest vegetable."
And you threw that seed! They are lights that youth need and you have bright eyes, which leads in the form of expression, the spark of life. The seeds that you released fell on fertile ground, because you made the reading by mail, at our school, was launched from north to south and even pushed the boundaries.
Participation in the project is of you to mention a Caio Albuquerque honrosa.Projetados in you, our students are writing their anthologies, novels and short stories and this is due to familiarity with books, with reading and the literary vocabulary of you . Sometimes they see in the texts, which even for the author may be unconscious, revealing that also have a great poetic soul.
To me, participation in the project, telephone calls, letters, books and living with the constant assumption is that the metaphors are: Title of Nobility, gift from God or even in the presence of my children and my children's children .
God be praised for his performance of the project and that you receive the reward of such measured paartilha. Christ the King, the Creator of the Universe and the Author of Life bless you in this sacred task, because everything he should. Be fruitful.
With admiration,
Professor Fatima Morato, the project "Discover a Writer"
Caio Albuquerque Public School Teacher
John Street Bachião D'Olivo, No 25
37,860,000 New Resende - MG
The inércio is so lazy he can not understand the reason for their existence.DR.Jocarlos Gaspar-Prize Of The Peace-Greece 2005-The Thinker

DE JOCARLOS GASPA>> GRANDE BALUARTE DA HUMANIDADE O Poeta dorme. Dorme enquanto à sua raiz parte para um sono profundo. O Poeta dorme. Dorme enquanto no céu brilha à sua estrela. O Poeta dorme. Dorme enquanto o homem se distancia cada vez mais do seu Criador. O Poeta Dorme. Dorme enquanto os velhos e deficientes são humilhando e desprezados num mundo consumista. O Poeta Dorme. Dorme de tristeza pela falta de amor e respeito para com sua imagem e semelhança. O Porte Dorme. Dorme enquanto as drogas, a pedofilia e o descaso tem sido um palco de comédia à desgraça alheia. O Poeta Dorme. Dorme enquanto a prostituição infantil tem se alastrado de Norte a Sul de Leste a Oeste num perfeito sistema dominó. O Poeta Dorme. Dorme enquanto a mentira, o falso testemunho e a corrupção têm sido parâmetro para delimitar a justiça. O Poeta Dorme. Dorme enquanto a falência humana tem sido imperativa na saúde, na segurança e na educação. O Poeta Dorme. Dorme enquanto o Niilismo se aflora em todos os segmentos humano. O Poeta Dorme. Dorme como uma Águia, esperando ansiosamente a Vinda do Noivo. JESUS CRISTO...O GRANDE BALUARTE...O VERDADEIRO POETA. O Poeta Dorme. Dorme enquanto aguarda a sua última viagem. BALANITA
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